Happy Thursday, everyone! Today marks my 100th blog post, so I thought I would do something fun for all you new (and returning) readers. I’m going to share 100 things for my 100th post! So, here we go!…
10 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging
- If I’ve learned anything from starting this blog, it’s that blogging takes TIME!
- There is always more to learn; you will always be able to grow.
- Seek out resources and references that are helpful to you.
- There will always be people that don’t understand what “being a blogger” means. Don’t take it personally, and keep going!
- Having a good support system is SO important.
- Sticking to your niche is important, but write about what you want and what you love!
- Find others who inspire you. Other bloggers, photographer, family, etc.
- Invest in your hobbies.
- That being said, you don’t need to have super fancy/expensive equipment to produce great content.
- Have fun with it!!
10 Of My Most Popular Posts
- We Bought a House
- Our First House Tour
- Starting Our House Search
- Surviving Midwest Winters
- Less Than 60 Days to Find a House
- What We Learned While House Hunting
- Why Vegas Isn’t For Everyone
- 2019, The Year of Intent
- Finding The Right Workout Routine
- A Year in Review (2018)
(Looks like I gotta write more house content! haha)
10 Of My Favorite Post (In No Particular Order)
- Iceland: Part 1, 2 and 3 (I’m just gonna count them all as 1, haha)
- How to Find the Perfect Airbnb
- Winter Door County Travel Guide
- Mid-Week Pick-Me-Ups
- Loving Your Friends
- How to Plan a Couples Trip
- Our Wedding Day
- Something Old, Something New
- Staying Well While Traveling
- Living Hygge
10 Bloggers That Inspire Me
- Thyme is Honey
- My Petite Joys
- Pink with Diamonds
- Carly The Prepster
- Chris Loves Julia
- Blonde Atlas
- The Golden Girl
- House Fur
- The Londoner
- Gal Meets Glam
10 Of My Favorite Destinations (In Order)
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- Akureyri, Iceland
- Southern Coast of Iceland
- Capri, Italy
- Rome, Italy
- London, England
- Bergen, Norway
- Orvieto, Italy
- West Coast If Ireland
- Northern Arizona
10 Places I Hope Travel To In The Next 10 Years
- Barcelona
- Venice
- Portugal
- Budapest
- Seattle
- The California Coast
- Hawaii
- Banff
- Quebec City
- Historic sites on the East Coast (Boston, Washington DC, New York)
10 Goals For The Blog
- Set up a blogging work schedule for myself so I can stay on track and make better use of my time.
- Since I’ve been really slacking on this lately… Get back to posting at least once a week.
- Narrow my post topics. Sometimes I feel like I’m all over the place, haha!
- Grow my readership and followers to over 2,000. (This might seems small, but this would be a big deal for me.)
- Create a service for my readers. (This is already in the works!)
- Reach out to brands and collaborate on travel related posts.
- Practice photography more, and really make it a skill set of mine.
- Understand photoshop and editing better. Practice, practice, practice!
- Start a podcast. About what? I don’t know!
- Connect with more of my readers and start a community of followers.
30 Random Facts About Me
- I originally went to school to become a wedding planner.
- But, I have a degree in Advertising/Public Relations.
- I grew up in a Chicago suburb and am not ashamed to admit I love suburbia sometimes.
- I actually loved high school! (I know most people say they would never go back, but I had a blast.)
- I have a bunny named Minute.
- I sold wedding dresses for a year and a half, and loved it! But decided I could only have 1 job at a time, so I stuck with advertising.
- The first time I traveled outside of the US, I was 16 and performed in a music festival in London with my high school.
- My favorite city I’ve traveled to, and could see myself living there, is Copenhagen.
- I studying abroad in Rome.
- After my freshman year of college, I lived with a family in the Costa Rican rainforest for two weeks and volunteered for a conservation project.
- My favorite color is green, but my wardrobe is basically all white, grey and black.
- Fall is my favorite season, I can’t stand anything over 80 degrees unless I am near a pool and/or air conditioning.
- Gilmore Girls is my all time favorite show.
- Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t like Beyonce.
- If I could wear one outfit for the rest of my life, it would be stretch jeans, a white tee and flip flops.
- I met my husband in college, two weeks before I decided to transfer schools (whoops!).
- My husband will tell you that he was my boss, but he was really just a “student manager” at the store we worked at in college. (So scandalous, haha!)
- Tom Hanks is my favorite actor. I’ll see anything with him in it, and I wish he was my uncle. (We also share a birthday!)
- You will never see me with short hair. I cut it to my shoulders when I was 12, cried for a week, and wore my hair in a pony tail until it grew out.
- Planning and organizing is one of my favorite things to do, and probably my biggest strength.
- I also LOVE cleaning.
- I grew up with cats, and have always wanted a huge fluffy dog.
- Pumpkin flavored anything will always be one of my favorite foods.
- I don’t like wine, but I love whiskey.
- I’m deathly afraid of spiders and creepy crawly bugs.
- I’m very sarcastic and tend to make a lot of jokes.
- I love hiking and fresh air, but I consider myself an “indoor girl.”
- I could sit at home all weekend and be perfectly content.
- My favorite holiday is the 4th of July because of all the festivals, fireworks and BBQs.
- I love sleep. Like, love it.
There you have it; 100 things, for my 100th post! 😀
Thank you so much for your continued love and support! Introduce yourself and tell me a fun fact about yourself in the comments! I’d love to get to know you.
LOVED this blog. Cute idea “100 For 100”. Cute, Cute, Cute 😉
Thank you!! 🙂 It was fun to write!
[…] P&C celebrated 100 blog posts. […]