Hi all! After a short computer glitch, I am back up and running! Now that we’ve officially made it through the first work week of 2019 (congrats!), I wanted to share with you some of my intentions for 2019. I have never really liked the word “resolutions.” Maybe it’s because many people abandon them (myself included) so soon into the year, so they have a negative connotation associated with them…
So this year, I am deciding instead of setting “resolutions,” 2019 will be the year of intent.
I intend to practice more self care…
The past month or so, I have been getting better at taking care of myself and understanding what my mind and body needs, and I intend to continue this in the new year. I have come to find that taking care of yourself, wether that’s getting a massage, doing a face mask once a week, going to the gym, or not going to the gym… is very important. And I intend to listen and help myself out more this year.
I intend to keep our lifestyle cleaner…
This past year, I started swapping out cleaning and personal products in our home and replacing them with “cleaner” ones. Less chemicals, less synthetic hormones, less junk! This started with our house cleaners and trickled down to body wash, shampoo, make up, the works. It may seem like a daunting task, but I simply used up the products we had, and replaced them with cleaner ones. And I realized this past week, that we have WAY less chemicals in the house now, which really makes me feel like we are taking control of our overall health and wellbeing. So this year, I intend to continue this trend and even look further into how we can make our home and lifestyle cleaner!
I intend to be more environmentally conscious…
On top of living a cleaner lifestyle, I want to become more environmentally conscious. Use less plastic, less paper products, learn more about recycled clothes and other sustainable products. If you guys have any cool companies/brands that you love please send them my way, I’d love to hear about them!
I intend to tackle my reading list…
This is something that’s always on my mind… I’ve never been a big reader, but there are plenty of things I want to read and never get around to. For some reason, I have always found reading a little boring. It’s quiet, it takes forever (I’d rather watch the movie), and it’s not a very social activity. But, I have a huge stack of magazines and books that I have been meaning to read for over a year, and having them sit there gives me anxiety! So, I am going to set aside time each week to tackle the pile and chip away at my anxiety one book/magazine at a time. #selfcare
I intend to grow the blog…
I have such a long list of improvements and additions and check-lists for the blog this year, and I can’t wait to hit the ground running! (After fixing my computer, of course.) I intend to reach out to brands and collaborate with more bloggers, understand what you guys love to read, and really work towards helping you guys with more travel tips and lifestyle content. As always, if there is something specific you want to read about, please reach out! I want to be a resource for you. 🙂
I hope this new year is bringing along a new, or old, set of goals and intentions for all of you!
What are some of your intentions this year? I’d love to hear them!
[…] 2019, The Year of Intent […]