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It’s officially baby month!! We are feverishly preparing for baby girl’s arrival (I’m due March 27th), and I wanted to put together a post explaining how my maternity leave is going to work as someone who is self-employed. Here are some FAQs that I’ve been getting… How long will you be on leave? To be […]

March 1, 2023

Planning My Maternity Leave

Hi everyone, long time no see! It’s been a crazy couple weeks of new parenthood at the Summerfield house, but I found a little time to myself and wanted to check in! New Parenthood So, what have we been up to?… The short answer is, “a whole lotta baby stuff!” With a newborn, your time […]

March 16, 2021

Life Lately | New Parenthood, My Recovery & Jack Updates

Life Lately Parenthood

We’ve had two weeks at home with our little Jack, and I finally found some time to write down all of our memories from his birth. I wanted to write everything down for my own recollection, but I also wanted to share it here because reading through birth stories during my pregnancy was something that […]

February 10, 2021

Jack’s Birth Story

Jack's Birth Story

It’s finally here – the new Passports and Cappuccinos! I’m so excited to evolve P&C and be able to share it all with you. Since the beginning of the year, I have been working with my friend Sarah at Boss Babe by Sarah to update my branding, website and (drum roll please…) services! That’s right, […]

January 4, 2021

The New Passports and Cappuccinos

With our due date fast approaching, I wanted to share how we are prepping for baby! I will be 37 weeks on Christmas, so the realization that baby boy could come at any time is starting to settle in. Meal Prep Meal prepping/Making freezer meals – We actually received a ton of freezer meals from […]

December 23, 2020

Prepping for Baby | A Third Trimester Update

This pregnancy is flying by, and I can’t believe that we are 2/3rds of the way there! After I shared my first trimester update, I got a few requests to share more on my pregnancy as I leave my second trimester, I wanted to share how we’re doing! How’s Mama? I’m feeling pretty good! That […]

October 22, 2020

Second Trimester Pregnancy Update

When we found out we were expecting, we thought it might be fun to wait for the big reveal until the birth. But, after talking it over, we decided to would be nice to know to help plan/decorate, and to bond further with the baby. And, if I’m being honest, with COVID effecting the pregnancy […]

September 9, 2020

Baby S’s Big Reveal | It’s a…

The secret is out, and I am so happy to finally announce, I’m pregnant!! I’ve been keeping quiet on the blog/Instagram for a while, mostly because during the first trimester I just felt very blah and not myself. I also can’t keep a secret to save my life so I just decided to hit the […]

July 9, 2020

A Happy Birthday, Indeed

Social distancing has quickly become the “new normal” for all of us in the past few weeks. And while staying at home isn’t all that bad, not being able to make plans with friends or family, or going out to dinner is definitely starting to wear on the Summerfield house. But, I honestly do take […]

April 1, 2020

Social Distancing Together

Well folks, it’s been… a weird couple of weeks. With Covid-19 pretty much the only thing in the news, schools closing statewide and social distancing in full swing, our lives are completely upside down right now. I’ve officially been working from home for a week, and Brian’s joining me today to officially start our self-quarantine. […]

March 23, 2020

Life Lately | Quarantine Edition

Well folks, it’s that time of year! Time to reflect on the past 12 months and get ready for a whole new decade (yikes)! When making my review of 2019, I realized how crazy this past year has been. This has, by far, been the most “adult” year I’ve had yet. And it’s crazy to […]

December 31, 2019

The 2019 Review

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today marks my 100th blog post, so I thought I would do something fun for all you new (and returning) readers. I’m going to share 100 things for my 100th post! So, here we go!… 10 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging If I’ve learned anything from starting this blog, it’s that blogging […]

August 29, 2019

100 for 100

Welp, it’s official. After 3 months of searching, and seeing close to 30 houses, we are now homeowners! The last month has been an emotional rollercoasters, and if you haven’t noticed I’ve been keeping kinda quiet for a while. Truth be told, buying a house is pretty draining. Super exciting and amazing… but very emotionally […]

July 30, 2019

We Bought A House!

With our lease ending at the end of July, we are starting to feel the pressure of our house hunt. We are working closely with our realtor, and have spent hours searching the MLS, touring homes and discussing pros and cons of every house we enter. Even though we’ve only been searching since April, it’s […]

June 3, 2019

Less Than 60 Days To Find A House

Well everybody, 2018 has been quite a year! I honestly don’t know where the time went, and I can’t believe how much happened in these last 12 months. This past year, I really wanted to write more and connect with more readers, so I tried to commit myself to write one blog post each week […]

December 27, 2018

A Year In Review

Is it just me, of was this summer the busiest summer ever?! Brian and I had at least one wedding every month from May through October; I stood up in one, and Brian stood up in two. We went on our honeymoon to Iceland (finally!), traveled with family to San Antonio, and did what seems […]

November 7, 2018

Life Lately | Settling into Hibernation

Can I be real and just say it?… Marriage is hard work! Brian and I have been together for almost 7 years, and we still work at our relationship. It’s a never ending job; something that takes time, understanding, patience, and lots of love. In our first year of marriage, Brian and I have learned […]

October 9, 2018

What We’ve Learned From Journaling Together

I am very excited to announce that I will be expanding my readership, and am now an official contributor for Girl Meets Party! Don’t worry, I will still be posting weekly here on P&C! But, you can get even more content by following along with Girl Meets Party. Stay tuned for updates and more posts with this […]

September 5, 2018

A Special Announcement!

Happy February, Everyone! If you are anything like me, you didn’t make any “resolutions” or really have your sh*t together the first month of the year, so we are starting over! 2018 starts now! I have been way off my blogging game lately. So for my first post of the year, I wanted to do an “update […]

February 1, 2018

A February Update