When we found out we were expecting, we thought it might be fun to wait for the big reveal until the birth. But, after talking it over, we decided to would be nice to know to help plan/decorate, and to bond further with the baby. And, if I’m being honest, with COVID effecting the pregnancy and overall birth plans, we’re really happy to find out the sex prior to our due date because it gave us even more to look forward to and made the whole process that much more “real.”
So, after 20 weeks of waiting, we finally had our anatomy scan and found out we’re having a…

We are both very excited, and obviously would have been happy either way. But, we’re can’t wait to welcome our son in January! (We thought getting him a little hat a gloves, was appropriate for his first winter in Wisconsin.)
To be honest, I’ve always thought that we would have all boys. Brian is the youngest of three boys, his oldest brother has three girls, and I’ve always wanted one of each. So I just have this feeling we will have all boys in the Summerfield house (we’ll see what happens with baby #2 down the road, haha)!
But, even with that thought in the back of my mind, my heart was telling me, and I kept having dreams, that it was a girl leading up to the ultrasound reveal. The old “wives’ tales” were all over the board, but I had the “girl” nursery all planned out and we had a few names picked, so I was still pretty surprised when we were told, “it’s a boy!” And of course, now I need to rethink the nursery and we need to get cracking on names! (Open to suggestions, by the way!)
Brian didn’t really have any guess or inkling on the sex. But the one thing he really wanted was twins; which we found out we we not having at our 8 week ultrasound, haha! And even though he didn’t get his twins, we were both very happy to learn that he could come to our anatomy scan to find out the sex! At first, our office was only allowing visitors to the very first doctors appointment. So, we were very excited when they said I could bring a visitor to the 20 week ultrasound. Since he could be by my side, we decided to find out right then and there, anxiously holding hands until the sonographer gave us the news.
Did you guess right on the reveal?? I know I didn’t, haha!
PS- If you’re looking for more bump-dates, be sure to check out my first semester update, and be sure to follow me on Instagram and stay tuned on the blog for more on Baby S!
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