With our due date fast approaching, I wanted to share how we are prepping for baby! I will be 37 weeks on Christmas, so the realization that baby boy could come at any time is starting to settle in.

Meal Prep
Meal prepping/Making freezer meals – We actually received a ton of freezer meals from my family, which makes this prep SO much easier. Since we have the freezer meals handled, we are only prepping a few things ourselves, and stocking our pantry full of essentials and snacks.
Making a list of takeout restaurants we want to order from – We are terrible at picking places to eat, and I’m assuming it’s not going to be easier as sleep deprived new parents. So, are making a list so we can just pick something fast and order it!
Prep Around the House
Cleaning and organization – This one seems like a given when prepping for baby. But, we are trying to keep the house as clean and put together as possible in anticipation of the tornado that will hit it once we come home with baby.
Finalizing the nursery! – We are SO close to having the nursery organized and ready to go. The major things left are ordering some art for the walls and sterilizing/laundering some final items. Our nursery is very small, so it’s been pretty hard to keep up with lots of items coming in to fill it. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m so excited for it to finally look like a room. (Don’t worry I’ll share a final pic soon!)
Buying any last minute baby items off our registry.
Putting together a Mommy Recovery Bin – Basically I gathered up all postpartum healing essentials (adult diapers, maxi pads, high-waisted underwear, peri bottle, tucks pads… you know, the really sexy stuff) and put them all on one bin in our bathroom so I’ll have everything I need at my fingertips once we’re home!
Prepping as much of our taxes as we can – We typically do our taxes ourselves with Turbotax, but this year we made the decision to have someone else do them. We’ll just be way too busy to even think about it.
Make sure all bills are paid for, or are on autopay for the month – We definitely don’t want to forget to pay anything during those first few weeks of parenting fog!
Because of COVID-19, our hospital policy is for the mother to get tested after being admitted. (They will assume that Brian’s results will reflect mine. But Brian will wear a mask when our birthing team is in the room regardless.) If I’m negative, I will be able to labor, deliver and recover without a mask, and our birthing team will wear masks for our protection. If I’m positive, I will be required to wear a mask during our entire stay. In addition, my birthing team will need to be in full PPE. It would also be recommended that I stay 6 feet from the baby for two weeks (other than for breastfeeding with a mask), which is obviously the last thing I want to do.
Since testing positive is not what anyone wants, we will be quarantining leading up to the birth. Brian’s school is now on winter break through the beginning of January. So, once break is over he will work from home for the 2-weeks leading up to our due date! And then daddy will have a few weeks of paternal leave after baby arrives.
Third Trimester Update
In addition to prepping for baby, I wanted to give a little update on how baby and I are doing as we head into the home stretch. I had my 36 week appointment yesterday, and mommy and baby are looking great!
Baby is still resting nice and high, so I’m getting really anxious for him to drop so I can breath again… Oh and get rid of this pregnancy reflux, too. As for other third trimester symptoms, I had some really bad pelvic pain about a month ago, and had some trouble walking for about 2 weeks, but thankfully that’s subsided for now!
Other than the normal late pregnancy symptoms, we’re just impatiently waiting. We are definitely ready for our little guy to be here, and I am VERY excited to be able to wear all of my regular clothes again. Not to mention, be able to sleep on my back/without a pregnancy pillow!
If you want to stay up to date on all things “Baby Watch” 2021, be sure to check out my Instagram for our birth announcement! I do have a few posts (with some very exciting announcements!!) scheduled for early January. After that, it might be a little quite on here until the baby is born/while we adjust to being new parents.
Want to catch up on my previous trimester updates? You can view them here and here!
[…] did/plan to do prior to leaving for labor/delivery (I also wrote more about prepping for baby in my third trimester blog post during my first pregnancy if you care to read that, […]