Well everybody, 2018 has been quite a year! I honestly don’t know where the time went, and I can’t believe how much happened in these last 12 months.
This past year, I really wanted to write more and connect with more readers, so I tried to commit myself to write one blog post each week (and I think I got pretty dang close!). So, I wanted to write a little “Year in Review” to share some of my favorite post and memories from this past year. But before I do, I want to thank you all for following along! Wether this is the first post of mine that you’ve read, or you’ve been with my from the beginning, I truly appreciate all of the support. Because, without you P&C wouldn’t be possible!
So, here it is… My 2018 review!
Took on my first agency job in Milwaukee!

Had tea at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Made some kick-ass pancakes (!)… among other things.

Shared how Brian and I met, and our love story.

Had my first ever girl’s weekend.

Shared my Carry-On Essentials, and other travel tips.

Finally went on our Honeymoon in Iceland! (And shared what I packed.)

Took a Day trip to Traverse City, MI.

Shared my favorite places to grab a drink in Milwaukee.

Became a contributor on Girl Meets Party.

Celebrated our one year wedding anniversary.

Made applesauce with my grandma.

Learned a lot from journaling with Brian.

Went to San Antonio with our family.

Went to seven weddings… Yes, seven!

Attended my favorite holiday market in Milwaukee.

Shared the importance of self care.

Made many updates to the P&C Website! (Including adding a Shop page!)

I can’t wait to see what 2019 has to bring. Again, thank you so much for following along, and for all the support this past year! I think this next year will be the best yet!
What are some of your favorite memories for 2018? I’d love to hear!
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