If you’ve been around here long enough, you know that fall is my favorite season. I love the change in colors, the crisp morning air, wearing chunky sweaters, and yes, the even Starbucks Pumpkin Cold Brew. With COVID making our lives a little (ok a lot) different this year, I thought I would put together a list of fall activities you can enjoy while still keeping yourself and others safe!
Take advantage of drive thru or curbside treats
If you know me, you know I love any type of fall seasonal treat. Drive thru Starbucks or do curbside pick up at your favorite local coffee shop and enjoy a pumpkin spiced latte and a maple scone. YUM!
Set up a social distance bonfire
Make a fire and have a BYOS night (bring your own s’mores, duh)! Enjoy an evening outside with family or friends, and indulge in a sweet treat and conversation. You could even bring a TV outside to watch football or a movie!
Decorate your space
Since buying our home, I love that we have a porch that I can decorate! I tend to want to go all out with flowers, mums and pumpkins for fall. I just love how festive it looks, and it can totally be used inside or on a small deck if you have an apartment! I also decided to buy some adorable decorative bats for our porch this year and I had plenty to spare, so I hung some around the inside of the house too. Typically, I don’t like “spooky” fall decor, but I kept seeing these all over instagram and had to give them a try. So cute, right?!

Get cozy and enjoy a movie or book by candle light
Who doesn’t love a fall scented candle, amiright?! Light a few around the house, dim the lights and enjoy a cozy night in with a book or a movie. I prefer watching Hocus Pocus or The Nightmare Before Christmas, but if scary movies are your thing go for it!
Take a drive to see the Fall colors
Not really feeling the possibility of crowds? Take a drive somewhere and pack an in-car-picnic! If you’re in Wisconsin, there are plenty of places to drive to to see some colors; Door County being one of my favorites.
Enjoy a crisp hike
The perfect way to enjoy a Autumn day is walking through a forest full of fall colors! Put on some light layers and find a trail nearby. (Just bring a mask incase you run into a crowd.)
Go apple/pumpkin picking
This typical fall activity can be the perfect social distancing activity to do alone or with friends! You can even call the orchard ahead to see if they have any times of day that are slower so you can go with less of a crowd.

Make caramel apples
Another treat that I love in the fall is caramel apples. Take the afternoon and make some of your own with either store bought caramel sauce, or get really fancy and try to make your own to dip your apple slices in. You can even add sprinkles, nuts, or other candies to make them extra special.
Zoom bake with friends and family
One of my favorite fall activities that I look forward to all year is making applesauce with my grandma. Unfortunately we can’t do it safely this year, so we are planning to set up a call and make our own virtually! Set aside some time to make something fun with your friends or family. Find a new recipe to make together, or make your favorite fall treat. Now, if only you could smell and taste things through the phone, haha.
Carve pumpkins
A tried and true fall activity, for sure. Carve a simple jack-o-lantern or get creative and try something a little more advanced! Pumpkin painting is also super fun if you don’t want to make a total mess with carving. And when you’re done, add your pumpkins to your outdoor/indoor decor!
What types of social distancing fall activities are you up to this year? Anything I should all to the list?
Looking for Milwaukee specific spots to hang this fall? Check out my Guide to Milwaukee in the Fall, by clicking here!
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