How Brian and I met isn’t a crazy story. It wasn’t a meet cute from a classic movie, or a even a “funny you should ask” kind of a story… But, I love it because I can remember the exact moment we met. Honestly, I can’t say that about anyone else, not even my best friend. I remember how I felt, the exact location and what the weather was like that day. Maybe it’s strange, but I think it’s really cool that I can pinpoint where and how I met my husband.
How We Met
Brian and I met at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on my first day of work at The Emporium, a student-run convenience store in the dorms. It was a hot, August day as I walked into the Sandburg Dorms anxious to start my new job. Since it was summer time, and classes weren’t in session, my ID didn’t work so someone to come get me. Brian walked up and introduced himself, and I remember thinking he was so cute. So much so, that I said “oh crap,” to myself as we were shaking hands at security.
After shamelessly flirting with him for about a month, I finally texted him one night telling him I was hungry and that he should take me to dinner. He declined my not-so-subtle ask-out, because he had to finish writing a paper for class, but told me he would take me out the following week.
Our long-awaited first date finally arrived, and Brian picked me up to go to Milwaukee’s Third Ward for dinner… In his roommate’s car… with no radio. After getting lost once or twice, and almost turning the wrong way down a one-way street (I think he was nervous) we made it to dinner! I don’t remember what we talked about all night, but I can still remember getting home and knowing he was the man I wanted to marry. I finally understood what it felt like to say, “when you know, you know.”
About a week after our first date, I made the very hard decision to transfer to Loyola in Chicago. We decided to make it work and see each other as much as we could on weekends and breaks, which meant a lot of driving and Skype calls. But, after 2 and a half years of long-distance, Brian got his first full-time teaching job, and we moved in together. The rest is, as you say, “history!”
The day before my 24th birthday, Brian and I went to dinner at Harbor House on the Milwaukee lakefront. It was a beautiful summer night, so we ate outside, and people watched as the crowd wondered off to the Paul McCartney concert at Summerfest. As the sun began to set and we finished dessert, Brian said he wanted to go by the lake to take a picture.
After walking past the restaurant and seeing that no one was around, I told him we probably weren’t going to get the picture we wanted, but we kept walking anyway. I saw a couple in the distance and thought that they could help, so we walked towards them. After getting a little closer, I realized it was our friends that “just so happened” to be walking around, too. We asked them to take our picture, and as we were getting into position, Brian got down on one knee and ask me to marry him. I, of course, said “Yes!”
After some happy tears and a couple more pictures, we decided to go back to the restaurant to grab a drink and celebrate. On the way back, I wanted to call my mom, but Brian kept telling me to wait until we got inside. Little did I know, my mom, step-dad and best friend were waiting back at the restaurant to celebrate with us! Best birthday present ever!
Since I’m sappy, it’s now one of my favorite spots. I love going back to Harbor House for my birthday and going to the exact spot where Brian proposed. We even took some of our wedding pictures there.

[…] And here we are, 7 years later, with our first wedding anniversary just days away! You can read our love story to get all the details on how we met, and how Brian proposed, but here is where I am going to […]
[…] Shared how Brian and I met, and our love story. […]
[…] And here we are, 7 years later, with our first wedding anniversary just days away! You can read our love story to get all the details on how we met, and how Brian proposed, but here is where I am going to […]