It’s officially baby month!! We are feverishly preparing for baby girl’s arrival (I’m due March 27th), and I wanted to put together a post explaining how my maternity leave is going to work as someone who is self-employed. Here are some FAQs that I’ve been getting…
How long will you be on leave?
To be honest, I’m not 100% sure. I hope to take the “traditional” U.S. maternity leave of three months, but I will be popping on Instagram from time to time, and I hope to write a little on the blog when I can.
Will you still be posting content?
Yes! I am planning ahead and have some new and old blog content that is scheduled to come out throughout the next few months that will all be featured on Instagram and in my newsletter. And I’ll be checking in on Instagram and sharing some new mama/baby content as well; cause who doesn’t wanna see a cute smooshy baby?!
Will you be accepting new clients during this time?
Yes, and no… I will be accepting/scheduling consultation calls throughout my leave; although I will be blacking out my calendar for the first month postpartum. If you want to chat about my travel planning services or have any random questions please reach out to me at any time and I will get back to you as soon as I can. That all being said, depending on when you’re looking to plan/book your vacation I might not be available with a newborn baby in tow, but I’d love to chat to see how we can work together.
How can I contact you?
You can contact me via my website form, via email at passportsandcappuccinos@gmail.com, or on Instagram! I will be checking all of my channels periodically, but I will be on Instagram the most just from a personal standpoint (late night feedings, scrolling to relax, etc.) so if you need anything right away feel free to slide into my DMs.
That’s it for now! Let me know if you have any other questions about my maternity leave, I’d be happy to answer!
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