It’s taken me a while to write this post, because what I am about to say may upset and shock a few people… Ok, guys. I’m gonna say it! I did not like Vegas (gasp!).
On our most recent vacation, Brian and I flew to Phoenix and road-tripped through Northern Arizona. We loved the sleepy mountain towns, gorgeous red rocks and staring at the never ending Grand Canyon. The last stop on our trip was a two-day stint in Las Vegas before we flew home to Wisconsin.
While I loved the pageantry and over-the-top hotels, overall, the negatives out-weighed the positives for me. And while I would only like to share amazingly positive trips with you, I feel the need to also share my true thoughts on all destinations I visit. So to paint a better picture, I wanted to share a few reasons why I think Vegas just isn’t for everyone.
The Crowds
Don’t get me wrong, I love tourist attractions! And don’t mind going to places when they are filled with tourists, but Vegas is on another level. The streets are always packed with people and you can never seem to find your way around. We kept trying to get away from the crowds, or the heat, and we just seemed to get turned around or end up behind where we started. Overall, it was just too much.

The Smoke
I’ve always been really bothered by cigarette smoke, so Sin City isn’t the best place for me. There are cigarettes pretty much everywhere, but I also didn’t realize that marijuana is legal in Nevada. You’re basically in a constant fog of smoke, and by the time you get fresh air, it’s quickly interrupted by more smoke.
The Unimpressive Food
We had a few meals while in Vegas, and we were not that impressed. Other than our fancy dinner at the Palazzo, the best meal we had was a fruit platter and chicken sandwich in a to-go box from our hotel pool.
Constant Exposure to Vices & Stimulants
It seemed that everywhere we turned, there was an ad in your face, flashing lights, or card tables with people trying to double their pay checks. It just kinda made me sad, to be honest. The strip also just seemed like a very “adult” place, and it bothered be that there were families with small children in toe.
If you could guess, I won’t be headed to Vegas anytime soon. But, all of this said, I can see why people could have a great time there! It’s just not my scene, or type of vacation.
Do you guys like Vegas? Have you even been on a trip that you just didn’t love?
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